Dr. Öğr. Üyesi ONUR POLAT

E-mail opolat@bingol.edu.tr
Dahili No 1931
Oda No D209
  1. Imak, A., Çelebi, A., Polat, O., Türkoğlu, M., & Şengür, A. (2023). ResMIBCU-Net: an encoder–decoder network with residual blocks, modified inverted residual block, and bi-directional ConvLSTM for impacted tooth segmentation in panoramic X-ray images. Oral Radiology, 1-15.
  2. Türkoğlu, M., Polat, H., Koçak, C., & Polat, O. (2022). Recognition of DDoS attacks on SD-VANET based on combination of hyperparameter optimization and feature selection. Expert Systems with Applications203, 117500.
  3. Polat, H., Türkoğlu, M., Polat, O., & Şengür, A. (2022). A novel approach for accurate detection of the DDoS attacks in SDN-based SCADA systems based on deep recurrent neural networks. Expert Systems with Applications197, 116748.
  4. Polat, H., Turkoglu, M., & Polat, O. (2020). Deep network approach with stacked sparse autoencoders in detection of DDoS attacks on SDN‐based VANET. IET Communications14(22), 4089-4100.
  5. Polat, O., & Polat, H. (2021). An intelligent software defined networking controller component to detect and mitigate denial of service attacks. Journal of Information and Communication Technology20(1), 57-81.
  6. Polat, H., Polat, O., & Cetin, A. (2020). Detecting DDoS attacks in software-defined networks through feature selection methods and machine learning models. Sustainability12(3), 1035.
  7. Polat, O., Oyucu, S., Türkoğlu, M., Polat, H., Aksoz, A., & Yardımcı, F. (2024). Hybrid AI-Powered Real-Time Distributed Denial of Service Detection and Traffic Monitoring for Software-Defined-Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A New Paradigm for Securing Intelligent Transportation Networks. Applied Sciences14(22), 10501.
  8. Polat, O., Türkoğlu, M., Polat, H., Oyucu, S., Üzen, H., Yardımcı, F., & Aksöz, A. (2024). Multi-stage learning framework using convolutional neural network and decision tree-based classification for detection of DDoS pandemic attacks in SDN-based SCADA systems. Sensors24(3), 1040.
  9. Oyucu, S., Polat, O., Türkoğlu, M., Polat, H., Aksöz, A., & Ağdaş, M. T. (2023). Ensemble learning framework for DDoS detection in SDN-based SCADA systems. Sensors24(1), 155.
  1. POLAT, H., POLAT, O., SÖĞÜT, E., & ERDEM, O. A. (2019, October). Performance analysis of between software defined wireless network and mobile ad hoc network under dos attack. In 2019 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  2. Polat, H., & Polat, O. (2017, May). The effects of DoS attacks on ODL and POX SDN controllers. In 2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) (pp. 554-558). IEEE.
  3. POLAT, H., & POLAT, O. Distributed denial of service attacks against SDN controllers. In 2016 1st International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2016), October 26-28, 2016, Adana/Turkey