A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
A1. N Timurkaan , Z Yener , H Yüksel . Leiomyoma of the Urinary Bladder in a Goat. Aust.Vet.J. 79,10,38-39 (2001). Full Text Online (PDF)
A2. Z Yener, T Karaca, H Yüksel . Abdominal Malignant Mesothelioma in a Mouse. Aust. Vet. J. , 80, 5, 301-302 (2002). Full Text Online (PDF)
A3. MY Gülbahar , H Yüksel , Aslan L. Angiokeratomatous Papilloma Associated with Papilloma Virus in a Calf. Vet. Pathol. , 40, 5, 582-586 (2003). Full Text Online (PDF)
A4. A Taş, N Atasoy, H Özbek, L Aslan, H Yüksel, E Ceylan, G Dağoğlu. The Effects of Sildenafil Citrate- Viagra- in the Early Phase of Healing Process in Open Wounds in Dogs. Acta Vet.BRNO, 72: 273-277 (2003). Full Text Online (PDF)
A5. MY Gülbahar, H Yüksel, Z, Soygüder, ÖF, Erçin. Dicephalus, Arnold-Chiari Malformation, Spinal Dysraphism and Other Associated Anomalies in a Newborn Holstein Calf. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. , 29,565-570 (2005). Full Text Online (PDF)
A6. MY Gülbahar, H Yüksel, T Güvenç, H Okut. Assessment of Proliferative Activity by AgNOR and PCNA in Prostatic Tissues of Ram Lambs Implanted with Zeranol. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 40, 468-474 (2005). Full Text Online (PDF)
A7. Yüksel H, Gülbahar MY, Aslan L. Congenital synchronous adenomas of meibomian and moll glands of the eyelid in a calf. Vet. Med. – Czech, 50, (8), 379-383 (2005). Full Text Online (PDF)
A8. Gülbahar MY, Davis WC, Yüksel H, Cabalar M. Immunohistochemical evaluation of inflammatory infiltrate in the skin and lung of lambs naturally infected with poxvirus. Vet. Pathol. 43, 67-75 (2006) Full Text Online (PDF)
A 9. AF Fidan, IH Ciğerci, NB Sözbilir, İ Küçükkurt, H Yüksel, H Keleş. The effects of the Dose-dependent-hexachlorocyclohexane (Lindane) on Blood and Tissue Antioxidant Defense Systems, Lipid Peroxidation and Histopathological Changes in Rats. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 7,11, 1480-1488 (2008). Full Text Online (PDF)
A 10. CÇ Cıngı, K Ural, T Civelek, AE Haydardedeoğlu, H Yüksel. Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia in a Dog, In Turkey. Kafkas Üniv Vet. Fak. Derg. 14 (1) 253-254 (2008). Full Text Online (PDF)
A 11. Hayati Yüksel, Erkan Karadaş, Ihsan Yaman, Aydın Çevik. Pathological Changes in Experimentally Induced Astragalus Cephalotes Toxicity in Mice. Indian Vet. J. 86, 22-25 (2009).
A 12. AF Fidan, I Küçükkurt, H Yuksel, A Özdemir, S Ince and Y Dundar. The Effects of Structurally Different Saponin Containing Plants on Tissue Antioxidant Defense Systems, Lipid Peroxidation and Histopathological Changes in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 8 (5) 920-927 (2009). Full Text Online (PDF)
A 13. IH Ciğerci, AF Fidan, M Konuk, H Yuksel, I Küçükkurt, A Eryavuz, NB Sözbilir. The Protective Potential of Yucca schidigera (Sarsaponin 30®) against Nitrite-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats. Journal of Natural Medicines. 63: 311-317 (2009). Full Text Online (PDF)
A14 . R Gönenci, ME Altuğ, A Koç, H Oksuz, H Yüksel. Effects of Bovine Amniotic Membrane on Corneal Healing with Alkali Burns in Rabbits. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 8 (8) 1653-1659 (2009). Full Text Online (PDF)
A 15. Hayati Yuksel , Erkan Karadas , Hikmet Keles , Hasan Huseyin Demirel. Effects of Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH- γ-Isomer, Lindane) Intoxication on the Proliferation and Apoptosis in Rat Testes. Acta Vet. BRNO. 78: 615-620 (2009). Full Text Online (PDF)
A 16. E.O.Oğuz, H.Yüksel, Y.Enli, A.C.Tufan, G.Turgut. The effects of copper sulphate on liver histology and biochemical parameters of term Ross broiler chicks. Biological Trace Element Research. 133 ( 3) 335-341 (2010) . Full Text online (PDF)
A 17.OM Elitok, B Elitok and H Yüksel. Treatment of Naturally Occuring Squamous Cell Carcinomaswith Mixed Therapy Plus Tetracycline in Dogs. J of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 12(3): 419-422, 2013. Full Text Online (PDF)
A 18. G Özdemir, H İnci, B Söğüt, T Şengül, H Yüksel, H Şimşek and A Özdemir. Effects of dietary boron supplementation on performance and some hematological and antioxidant parameters imn japanese quail exposed to high stocking density. Europ.poult. Sci. 80: 1-15, 2016. Abstract
A 19. Hayati Yüksel, U ispir, A Ulucan, C Türk, M Reşit Taysı. “Effects of Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH-γ-Isomer, Lindane) on the reproductive system of Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Turkish Journal Of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 16:917-921, 2016. Full Text Online (PDF)
A 20. M Nuri Açık, Hayati Yüksel, A Ulucan, B Çetinkaya.The first experimental research on the pathogenicity of Arcobacter butzleri in zebrafish. Veterinary Microbiology. 189: 32-38, 2016. Full Text Online (PDF)
A 21. YÜKSEL HAYATİ,YÜKSEK NAZMİ,ASLAN LOĞMAN,İLHAN FATMA (2006). Papillary Cyst Adenocarcinoma In the Mammary Gland of a Van Cat. Indian Vet. J, 83(7), 719-721.
A 22. YÜKSEL HAYATİ,Ural Mesut,DÖRÜCÜ MUSTAFA,KARADAŞ ERKAN (2006). Pathological Changes in the Carp Exposed to Iron Sulphate. Indian Vet. J, 83(2), 150-152.
A 23. YÜKSEK NAZMİ,ALTUĞ NURİ,AĞAOĞLU ZAHİD TEVFİK,YÜKSEL HAYATİ,KAYA ABDULLAH,TÜTÜNCÜ MEHMET (2006). Haemobartonella Felis in Van Cats. Indian Veterinary Journal, 83(6), 657-658.
A 24. KARACA MEHMET,TÜTÜNCÜ MEHMET,YÜKSEL HAYATİ,KELEŞ İHSAN,AĞAOĞLU ZAHİD TEVFİK (2006). Dermatitis Solaris and Its Treatment in Van Cats. Indian Vet. J, 83(8), 1309-1310.
A 25. DÖRTBUDAK, M. B., YILDIRIM, S., SAĞLAM, Y. S., ÇINAR, A., & YÜKSEL, H. (2018). Immunohistochemical investigation on 8-OHDG levels in the heart of lambs with white muscle disease. Journal of Cellular Neuroscience & Oxidative Stress, p 694, 10(2).
A 26. Hikmet Keleş, Mehmet Fatih Bozkurt, Aykut Ulucan, Hasan Hüseyin Demirel, Hayati Yüksel, Erkan Karadaş, Ayhan Özkul (2018). The role of inducible nitric oxide synthase in urinary bladders of cattle with enzootic hematuria and its struggle with uroplakin III. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg.65,341-348.
A 27. Abdullah Gazioğlu, Burcu Karagülle, Hayati Yüksel, M Nuri Açık, Hakan Keçeci, Muhammed Bahaeddin Dörtbudak and Burhan Çetinkaya (2018). Sudden death due to gas gangrene caused by Clostridium septicum in goats. BMC Veterinary Research.14; 406. Doi/10.1186/s12917-018-1747-y.
A 28. Aykut Ulucan, Hayati Yüksel (2019). Localized Amyloid-like Accumulation in a Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Turkısh Journal of Fısheries and Aquatic Sciences. http://doi.org/10.4194/1303-2712-v20_3_07
20(3), 229-233.
A 29. Aykut Ulucan, Hayati Yüksel, Emre Şahin, Seda Yakut and Mehmet Fatih Bozkurt (2021). Protective effects of astaxantin against formaldehyde ınduced apoptosis of testicular tissue in rats. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 41 (3) 419-423 DOİ:10.29261/pakvetj/2021.041.
A 30. Şule Melek, Gültekin Atalan, Hayati Yüksel. Two Novel Tecniques İn the Treatment of Corneal Alkaline Burns: Platelet-Rich Fibrin Membrane and Concentrated Growth Factor Membrane: A Rabbit Model, 2022, 23,1. 33-46.
A31. Adalet¸ CELEBİ , M. Bahaeddin Dörtbudak, Aydın Keskinr uzgar Hayati Y uksel. (2022). The therapeutic effect of bovine colostrum on 5-Fluorouracil-Induced oral
mucositis in rats. Journal Stomatology Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 2022, 1-5, 21-24.
A 32. Ezgi Eroğlu Çakmakoğlu, Adalet Çelebi, Muhammet Bahaeddin Dörtbudak,Hayati Yüksel & Aydın Keskinruzgar. Ellagic acid for oral mucositis: investigation of the
therapeutic effect in rats. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. https://doi.org/10.1080/13102818.2023.2255688.2023.37.1