1.Temel, Y. Çiftci M. Purification of 6PGD enzyme from rat erythrocytes. 2nd International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies. OEMT2016 17-19 May 2016 Çanakkale/Turkey. (fulltext)
2.Ayna, A. Bayindir, Sinan. Temel, Y. Synthesıs Of 3,3′-Bısındoles And İnvestigation of The Effect On The Rat Erythrocyte 6PGD.International Engineering, Science and Education Conference, December 2016 Diyarbakır, Turkey. (Abstract)
3.Temel Y, Ayna A, Çiftci M. Some Antibiotics as Inhibitors and Activators of Rat Erythrocyte 6PGD and G6PD. International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering, Elazığ, Turkey, (Oral Presentation), S 11, 10-12th MAY 2017. [Abstract]
4.Temel, Y. Bayindir, S. Ayna, A. New amide derivatives as inhibitors of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and docking studies. International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICAIE), OP, p5, 10-12th MAY 2017, Elazığ, Turkey. [Abstract]
5.Ayna, A. Bayindir, S. Temel, Y. Determination of the effect of 3,3′-bisindole derivatives on rat erythrocyte 6PGD: an in vitro and in silico study. International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICAIE), OP, p3, 10-12th MAY 2017, Elazığ, Turkey. [Abstract]
6.Ayna, A. Bayindir S. Temel, Y. New heterocyclic compounds as inhibitors of rat erythrocytes G6PD and 6PGD and docking studies. International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICAIE), OP, p4, 10-12th MAY 2017, Elazığ, Turkey. [Abstract]
7.Bayindir, S. Ayna, A. Temel, Y. Design and synthesis of indole derivatives for the inhibition of G6PD and detailed in silico studies. International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICAIE), OP, p6, 10-12th MAY 2017, Elazığ, Turkey. [Abstract]
8.Bayindir, S. Ayna A, Temel, Y. Investigation the effects of hetero aromatic compounds on rat erythrocyte 6PGD and in silico molecular docking experiments. International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICAIE), OP, p7, 10-12th MAY 2017, Elazığ, Turkey. [Abstract]
9.Temel Y, Shafeeq İ.H., Çiftci M. Purıfıcatıon and characterızatıon of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase from japanese quaıl erythrocytes. the 4th ınternational scientific conference current problems of bıochemıstry and cell bıology p 91, 5-6 October, 2017.Dnipro,Ukrayna. [Abstract]
10. TemelY. , Taher S. S. M., Çiftci M..Purification and Characterization of Glutathione Reductase from Japanese Quail (Coturnix, coturnix japonica) Liver. 8TH INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES SYMPOSIUM.Fırat University, Elazığ-Turkey (IATS 2017). [Abstract].
11. TemelY. , BAQİ H.R., Çiftci M. Purification and Characterization of 6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase Enzyme from Japanese Quail Erythrocytes. 8TH INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES SYMPOSIUM. Fırat University, Elazığ-Turkey (IATS 2017). [Abstract].
12. Ayna, A. Khosnaw L. Temel, Y. Bayindir, S. Ciftci, M. Investigating the Effect of Benzamides on the Activity of Rat Erythrocyte GST.8TH INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES SYMPOSIUM. Fırat University, Elazığ-Turkey (IATS 2017). (Abstract)
13.Temel, Y., Mirza Ahmed B., Çiftci M. Purification and Characterization GST Enzyme from Quail Heart.International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials (PCFM’18)-June 19-21, 2018, Fırat University, Elazığ-Turkey [Abstract].
14. Temel, Y., Çiftci M. Bazı Antibiyotiklerin Japon Bıldırcın (Coturnix, Coturnix Japonica) Karaciğer Glutatyon S-Transferaz Enziminin Aktivitesi Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması. ISPEC ULUSLARARASI MÜHENDİSLİK VE FEN BİLİMLERİ KONGRESİ 3-4 Mayıs 2019, MALATYA (Fulltext)
15. Temel, Y., Çiftci M. Glutatyon S-Transferaz Enziminin Tavuk Yüreğinden Saflaştırılması Ve Bazı İlaçların Enzim Aktivitesi Üzerıne Etkilerinin Araştırılması. ISPEC ULUSLARARASI MÜHENDİSLİK VE FEN BİLİMLERİ KONGRESİ 3-4 Mayıs 2019, MALATYA (Fulltext)
16. Temel, Y., Çiftci M., Bayindir, S. Catalyst-Free Synthesis of Pharmaceutıcally Attractive Thiosemicarbazone And Investigation of Effect on GST Enzymes.ISPEC ULUSLARARASI MÜHENDİSLİK VE FEN BİLİMLERİ KONGRESİ 3-4 Mayıs 2019, MALATYA (Fulltext)
17. Temel, Y., Ayna, A., Bengü, A. Ş., Esim, N., Avci, V., Polat, R., Canlı, D., Bayram, N. E. Erdoğan, İ.Y., Solmaz, R., Çiftci, M. BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF BINGÖL/TURKEY HONEY. 7th.INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS, ENGINEERING, NATURAL & MEDICAL SCIENCES June 14-16, 2019 ROME - ITALY [Abstract]
18.Temel, Y., Ayna, A., Bengü, A. Ş., Esim, N., Avci, V., Polat, R., Canlı, D., Bayram, N. E. Erdoğan, İ.Y., Solmaz, R., Çiftci, M. “Bingöl Balının Enzimatik Analizi Ve Bazı Biyokimyasal Parametrelerinin Belirlenmesi". Uluslararası Arıclık Araştırmaları ve Sürdürülebilir Kırsal Kalkınma Stratejileri Kongresi,11-13 Ekim 2019 Bingöl–Türkiye.
1. Aslan, O.N. Ceylan, M. Gürdere, M.B. Budak, Y. Koçyiğit, M.Ü. Gülçin, İ. Temel, Y. Synhesis and carbonic anhidrase inhibition of novel 2-isoindole-4-aryl thiazole derivatives. Anatolian Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry. ACSOC II 21-24 March 2016 Kuşadası/ Aydın/TURKEY (poster)
2. Temel,Y. Çiftci, M., Küfrevioğlu, Ö.İ.Purification and Characterization of Turkey Liver Mitochondrial TrxR. 2 nd International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies (OEMT2016) May 17-19, 2016 Çanakkale, TURKEY (poster)
3.Temel,Y. Çiftci, M., Shafeeq, İ.H. Purification and Characterization of G6PD enzyme from rat erythrocytes.2 nd International Conference on Organic Electronic Material Technologies (OEMT2016) May 17-19, 2016 Çanakkale, TURKEY (poster)