1. ÇAKIR, Y., ÇAKMAKÇI S., (2020). Comparison of Some Quality Properties of Erzincan Tulum Cheeses Produced from Rawand Pasteurized Akkaraman Sheep Milk. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 7(4), 972-982., Doi: https://doi.org/10.30910/turkjans.761327. (Yayın No: 6590592). Full Text Online (PDF)
2. ÇAKIR, Y., ÇOBANOGLU D.N., DERVISOGLU, G., KOÇYIGIT, S., KARAHAN, D., YELKOVAN, S., (2020). Determination of Antimicrobial Activity, Palynological Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Some Honey Samples from Turkey. MELLIFERA, 20(1), 41-60. (Yayın No: 6590524). Full Text Online (PDF)
3. ÇAKIR, Y., ÇAKMAKÇI, S., (2018). Some microbiological, physicochemical and ripening properties of Erzincan Tulum cheese produced with added black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(4), 1435-1443. (Yayın No: 4815839). Full Text Online (PDF)
4. ÇAKMAKÇI, S., CANTÜRK, A., ÇAKIR, Y., (2017). Peynir Üretimi Için Sütü Pıhtılastıran Enzimlere Genel Bir Bakıs ve Güncel Gelismeler. Akademik Gıda, Gıda Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Dergisi, 15(4), 396-408., Doi: 10.24323/akademik-gida.370264. (Yayın No: 3842675). Full Text Online (PDF)
5. ÇAKMAKÇI, S., TOPDAŞ, E.F., ÇAKIR, Y., KALIN, P., (2016). Functionality of kumquat Fortunella margarita in the production of fruity ice cream. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96(5), 1451-1458. (Yayın No: 3025759). Full Text Online (PDF)
6. ÇAKIR, Y., ÇAKMAKÇI, S., HAYALOĞLU, A.A., (2016). The effect of addition of black cumin Nigella Sativa L and ripening period on proteolysis sensory properties and volatile profiles of Erzincan Tulum Savak cheese made from raw Akkaraman sheep s milk. Small Ruminant Research, ELSEVIER, 134, 65-73. (Yayın No: 3024542). Full Text Online (PDF)
7. ÇAKMAKÇI, S., ÇAKIR, Y., (2011). Çörekotu (Nigella sativa L.): Bileşimi gıda sanayinde kullanımı ve sağlık üzerine etkileri. Akademik Gıda, Gıda Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Dergisi, 9(3), 61-69. (Yayın No: 340781). Full Text Online (PDF)