1.MART Abdullah, TOLAN Ramazan, CAF Fatma, KOYUN Mustafa (2014). A Faunistic Study on Aquatic Coleoptera (Helophoridae:Hydrophilidae) Species in Elazığ Province, Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 46(3), 681-696.full text pdf
2. Şen Özdemir, N., Caf, F., 2015. Zooplankton Fauna of Bingöl Floating Islands in winte season. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 1:3, 125-132. doi:10.3153/JAEFR15013. full text pdf
3. Caf, F., Yılmaz, Ö., Durucan, F. ve Şen Özdemir, N., 2015. Biochemical Components Of Three Marine Macroalgae (Padina pavonica, Ulva lactuca and Taonia atomaria) From The Levantine Sea Coast Of Antalya, Turkey. J. Bio. & Env. Sci.6,401-411,2015.full text pdf
4. 1. Caf, F., Tellioglu, A. and Şen Özdemir, N. 2016. Feeding Activity of Moina Micrura (Kurz, 1874) (Cladocera) Fed with Different Microalgae Species (Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus dimorphus) and Baker’s Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae ), FBED, 6(4):160-170. full text pdf
5.N., Şen Özdemir, Caf, F., Feyzioğlu, A.M. ve Yıldız, İ. 2017. Biochemical Content (fatty acids, sterols, lipophilic vitamins, total protein, MDA, GSH, GSSG) of Noctiluca scintillans in the Southeastern Black Sea, TRJFA, 17:301-311. full text. pdf.
6. Caf F., Köprücü S., Algül S., Koyun M., Atici AA., 2017. The Correlation between the Differences in NUCB2/Nesfatin(NES) Peptide Levels and Body Weight, Lenght and Gender in Alburnus tarichi. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 17: 127-130.
7.Caf F., Yılmaz Ö. Şen Ö zdemir N. 2017. Potential of Laurencia obtusa as a substrate for the development of a probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Cell Mol Biol (Noisy le Grand) 2017 | Volume 63 | Issue 8. 71-76
8. Şen Özdemir N., Feyzioğlu A.M. CAF, F. Yıldız İ. 2017. Seasonal changes in abundance, lipid and fatty acid composition of Calanus euxinus in the Southeastern Black Sea. Indian Journal of Fisheries. Accepted.
9. CAF, F., KILIÇ Ö., ALGÜL S. Evaluation Of Total Antİoxidant Status, Total Oxidant Status And Oxidative Stress Index In Economically Important Plants From Turkey. Progress in Nutrition. (Accepted).