Dahili No 1786
Oda No C3-5






Doç.Dr. Bingöl  Üniversitesi ,Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Sağlık Yönetimi 08/2020 ...........


Bingöl  Üniversitesi ,Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Bölümü   2018 08/2020


Bingöl  Üniversitesi ,Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Bölümü                                  




Bingöl  Üniversitesi ,İİBF, İşletme Bölümü 2014 2015

 Araş. Gör.

 İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi-Endüstri Müh.



Araş.   Gör.

 Erzincan Üniversitesi, İİBF, İşletme Bölümü




Web Sayfası:       






İşletme/Sayısal Yöntemler

Atatürk Üniversitesi



Teknik Yönetim/Mühendislik Fak.

 FH/OOW /Almanya



Endüstri Mühendisliği/Mühendislik Fak.

Marmara Üniversitesi



Mühendislik Fak.

Gaziantep Üniversitesi 



İngilizce Hazırlık

Gaziantep Üniversitesi 



ATT/Sağlık Meslek Lisesi

Batman Sağlık Meslek Lisesi                                           



  •  Master Tezi: “Organizing Supplier Chain Activities of GRETSCH UNITAS”, FHOOW- Emden, Germany
  •   Doktora Tezi: “The Effect of Information Technology in Turkish Healthcare System: E- Prescription Case Study”, Atatürk University"




Dönem Ders T U Öğrenci Sayısı



Epidemiyoloji ve Sağlık Ölçütleri




Sağlık Kurumlarında Finansal Yönetim I 3 0 32
Beslenme ve Diyetetik Alanına Özgü Bilgisayar Uygulamaları 2 2 71

Satın Alma ve Malzeme Yönetimi

3 0 38









Uygulamalı İstatistik






Sağlık Kurumlarında Sayısal Karar




Halk Sağlığı ve Sağlığın Geliştirilmesi




Sağlık Sektöründe İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği




Besin Güvenliği ve Sanitasyonu

2 0 32

Sağlık Kurumlarında Yönetim Uygulamları

5 0 23

Sağlık Kurumlarında Risk Yönetimi




  • Başarlı S.(2023) Bingöl ilindeki merkez hastanelerde çalışan sağlık çalışanlarının Covid-19 dönemindeki ruhsal durumlarının değerlendirilmesi( Evaluation of the mental status of healthcare workers working in central hospitals in Bingöl province during the Covid-19 period), Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü ,  İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Bingöl Üniversitesi , Bingöl, Türkiye.
  • Çelik Y. (2021) Investigation of Occupational Accidents Occurring in the Electricity Distribution Sector and Determination of the Safety Culture Perception of the Workers -Elektrik Dağıtım Sektöründe Meydana Gelen İş Kazalarının İncelenmesi ve İşçilerin Güvenlik Kültürü Algısının Tespit Edilmesi.
  • Sağlık Kurumlarında İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Performansının Değerlendirilmesi: Bingöl İli Örneği
  • İngilizce(Çok İyi-KPDS:93)
  • Almanca(iyi)
  • Aslan, I., & Polat, H. (2024). Investigating social media addiction and impact of social media addiction, loneliness, depression, life satisfaction and problem-solving skills on academic self-efficacy and academic success among university students. Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1359691. (Q1, SSCI Indexed)
  • Kutty, R. B. K. M., Vasudevan, H., & Aslan, I. (2024). Factors Influencing Customers' Online Shopping Behavior in Malaysia During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Comprehensive Business Administration Research. ( Area  Indexed)
  • Herman, Hendri and E. Janrosl, Viola Syukrina and Aslan, Imran (2024) The effect of service quality and brand image on customer loyalty with consumer satisfaction as a mediation variable in shopee e commerce. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia, 10 (1). ISSN 2502-8103. ( Area  Indexed:Shinta 2 etc.)
  • Ambalegin, A., Aslan, I., & Natanael, Y. T. (2024). Chaos In a Pro-Life Event: An Analysis of Negative Impoliteness. EScience Humanity Journal, 4(2), 105-116.
  • Aslan, I., & Çınar, O. (2023). Predictors and prevalence of stress, anxiety, depression, and PTSD among university students during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1087528., SSCI Indexed)
  • Aslan, I ., B Aziz (2023) Comparing Occupational Health and Safety Systems in Kurdistan Region and Turkey: Problems, Concerns and Solutions Related to the Systems, Academic Journal of Nawroz University (AJNU),10(2), 1-18. Area  Indexed)
  • Barbaś, P., Aslan, H., Aslan, I., Skiba, D., Otekunrin, O. A., & Sawicka, B. H. (2023). Prospects for using pesticides in agriculture. Agronomy Science, 78(1), 97-120. Doi:  ( Area  Indexed: Ebsco etc.)
  • Aslan, I. (2023). Türkiye’de Neden İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kültürü Oluşmuyor?( Why is Occupational Health and Safety Culture not Forming in Türkiye?), POSH Magazine, 1(1), 72-76. ( Not Indexed )
  • Aslan, I., & Çınar, O. (2023). Predictors and prevalence of stress, anxiety, depression, and PTSD among university students during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. ( Q1, SSCI Indexed)
  • Hemaloshinee, V. A., & Imran, A. (2022). Developing Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: Organizational Climate and Leader-Member Exchange Effects. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2022(1), 94-107. ( ESCI Indexed)
  • Aslan, İ. & Çelik, Y. (2022). Elektrik dağıtım sektöründe çalışanların iş sağlığı ve güvenliği incelemesi: Muş, Bitlis ve Van İlleri Uygulaması(Occupational health and safety analysis of employees in the electricity distribution sector: Muş, Bitlis and Van provinces application). Çalışma İlişkileri Dergisi , 2022 - Cilt 1 Özel Sayı , 130-145 . Retrieved from
  • Aslan, I. (2021). Ranking and Comparing Occupational Health and Safety System Performance Indicators in Hospitals by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics: JOSE, 1-24.( SSCI Indexed)
  • Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė, V., Aslan, I., Duobienė, J., Glińska, E., & Anandkumar, V. (2021). Influence of Digital Competence on Perceived Stress, Burnout and Well-Being Among Students Studying Online During the COVID-19 Lockdown: A 4-Country Perspective. Psychology research and behavior management, 14, 1483. ( SSCI Indexed)
  • Ochnik, D., Rogowska, A. M., Kuśnierz, C., Jakubiak, M., Wierzbik-Strońska, M., Schütz, A., .Aslan, I.. & Çınar, O. (2021). Exposure to COVID-19 during the First and the Second Wave of the Pandemic and Coronavirus-Related PTSD Risk among University Students from Six Countries—A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(23), 5564. ( SSCI Indexed)
  • Vasudevan, H., & Aslan, I. (2021). Cosmetology Advertising Perspectives: Application of Ethical Theories During COVID-19 Crisis. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 4, 121-136. ESCI Indexed)
  • Ochnik, D., Rogowska, A. M., Kusnierz, C., Jakubiak, M., Schütz, A., Held, M. J., .Aslan , I.. & Korchagina, E. V. (2021). A Comparison of Depression and Anxiety among University Students in Nine Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic. J. Clin. Med, 10, 2882. ( SSCI Indexed)
  • Ochnik, D., Rogowska, A. M., Kuśnierz, C., Jakubiak, M., Schütz, A., Held, M. J., ... & Cuero-Acosta, Y. A. (2021). Mental health prevalence and predictors among university students in nine countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-national study. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-13. ( SSCI Indexed)
  • Rogowska, A. M., Ochnik, D., Kuśnierz, C., Jakubiak, M., Schütz, A., Held, M. J., ..Aslan I…. & Cuero-Acosta, Y. A. (2021). Satisfaction with life among university students from nine countries: Cross-national study during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic. BMC public health, 21(1), 1-19. ( SSCI Indexed)
  • Aslan, Imran (2021)  Evaluating Wellbeing and Worries of University Students during COVID-19 Pandemic. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi(Atatürk University Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences) , 2021, 35.1: 245-261. ( Area  Indexed: Scopus, ISI, Ebsco, TR Dizin etc.)
  • Aslan, I., Ochnik, D., & Çınar, O. (2020). Exploring Perceived Stress among Students in Turkey during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(23), 8961.(SSCI İndeks). [Full Text]
  • Sawicka, B., Skiba, D., Pszczółkowski, P., Aslan, I., Sharifi‐Rad, J., & Krochmal-Marczak, B. (2020). Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) as a medicinal plant and its natural products. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 66(4), 160-177(SSCI İndeks). [Full Text]
  • Aslan, İ., & YAŞAR, M. E. (2020). Measuring Social Media Addiction among University Students. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 10(2), 468-492(ESCI İndeks).[Full Text]
  • ASLAN, İ. (2021). Evaluating Wellbeing and Worries of University Students during Covid-19 Pandemic. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 35(1), 245-261( Area  Indexed:  TR Dizin etc.).[Full Text]
  • Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė, V., Aslan, İ., Glinska, E., Ramirez, A. M., & Alas, R.(2019) Are Our Students Ready to Become Successful Employees? A Comparative Analysis of Seven Countries. Yükseköğretim Dergisi, 9(1), 1-18(ESCI İndeks)  [Full Text]
  • Aslan, I., & Morsunbul, D. (2018). Preference for Job Life Quality and Motivation in Healthcare . Marketing, (2), 79.(ESCI İndeks)  [Full Text]
  • Aslan, I. (2017). Measuring job satisfaction, performance criteria and job life quality: Bingol City banking case. Journal of Business & Management (COES&RJ-JBM), 5(4), 167-187. [Full Text]
  • Vilmante Kumpikaite - Valiuniene, Ewa Glinska, Imran Aslan, Antonio Mihi Ramirez (2016) "Students’ Attitude to Job Performance: Intercultural Study", 27(2), 195–204. (SSCI İndeks)[Full Text] [PDF]
  • Imran Aslan and Hakiye Aslan(2016) “Halal Foods Awareness and Future Challenges”, British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, ISSN: 2278-098X,Vol.: 12, Issue: 3. [Full Text ] [PDF]
  • Imran Aslan, “Estimating average lifespan and expected costs for chronic kidney failure (CKF) in urkey”, Research Journal of Business & Management – RJBM, Vol.2(2), (2015),135-157. [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Imran Aslan (2015) “Applications of queues in hospitals in Istanbul “Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) ; 4.2015, 2, 770-794.[Full Text] [PDF]
  • Imran Aslan(2015) “Design of Experiment (DOE) Case Studies in Healthcare” International Review of Social Sciences Vol. 3 Issue.7,2015, 287-303. [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Imran aslant (2015) “Analyzing emergency medical services at Batman city”, International Journal of Healthcare Management, Volume 8, Issue 4 (November, 2015), pp. 244-261.(ESCI İndeks) [Full Text] [PDF] 
  • Imran Aslan, Ustün Özen(2014) “Getting Strategic Advantage by Measuring Resistance Developed against E-Prescription in Turkey”, 10th International Strategic Management Conference- Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp.463-472. [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Imran Aslan, Orhan Çınar , Üstün Özen (2014) “Developing Strategies for the Future of Healthcare in Turkey by Benchmarking and SWOT Analysis”, 10th International Strategic Management Conference- Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 221-231.[Full Text] [PDF]
  • Orhan Çınar, Fatih Karcıoğlu, İmran Aslan( 2014) “The relationships among Organizational Cynicism, Job Insecurity and Turnover Intention: A Survey Study in Erzurum/Turkey”, 10th International Strategic Management Conference - Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp.425-432. [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Aslan, Imran, Orhan Çınar, and Vilmantė Kumpikaitė. "Creating strategies from tows matrix for strategic sustainable development of Kipaş Group." Journal of Business Economics and Management 13.1 (2012): 95-110. (SSCI) )[Full Text]
  • Orhan Çinar, Selahattin Yavuz, & İmran Aslan(2012) “The Attitudes, Behaviours and Views of Academicians  about Internet Banking:the Case of Erzincan University”, The Journel of Social and Economic Research , 23: 103-124.  [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Imran Aslan, Orhan Çınar,Adem Dursun& Dilşad Güzel (2012) “Improving Stock Management in Healthcares to Increase Efficiency” International Journal of Social Science, Volume 5 Issue 7, p. 89-101, December 2012. [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Imran Aslan, Orhan Çinar, Selahattin Yavuz(2012) "Analyzing Survey Questions According to Departments and Checking the Reliability of Them for an Organization”, International Journal of Business and Managemt,  Vol 7, No 6.[Full Text] [PDF]
  • Aslan,I., Çinar, O.& Bektaş Ç. (2011).“ Improving a Short and Long -Term Suppliers Development Plan”, Economics and Management-2011 (ICEM-2011), No:16, p.647-695, Brno, Czech Republic.   [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Çınar, O., Bektaş Ç. & Aslan, I.(2011).“ A Motivation Study on the Effectiveness of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors”, Economics and Management-2011 (ICEM-2011), No:16, p.690-695.Brmo, Czech Republic. [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Aslan I. & Güzel D.(2011). “Optimizing Batch Size in a Flow-Oriented Synchronized Production”, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 6, No. 7. [Full Text] [PDF]


  • Solmaz, G., & Aslan, İ. (2024). Evaluation of the physical and psychological well-being of nursing students during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, 11(2), 181-188.
  • Aslan, İ. & Çelik, Y. (2022). Elektrik dağıtım sektöründeki işçilerin güvenlik kültürü algısının değerlendirmesi: VEDAŞ uygulaması(Evaluation of the safety culture perception of the workers in the electricity distribution sector: VEDAŞ application). SGD-Sosyal Güvenlik Dergisi , 12 (1) , 1-18 . DOI: 10.32331/sgd.1135293
  • Selahattin Yavuz&İmran Aslan (2012)” Türkiye’de 2008 Küresel Finansal Krizi: Krizin Erzincan  İline Etkileri ve Beklentiler”, C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 13, Sayı 1, 2012. [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Orhan Çinar, Selahattin Yavuz, & İmran Aslan(2012) “The Attitudes, Behaviours and Views of Academicians  about Internet Banking:The Case of Erzincan University”, The Journel of Social and Economic Research , 23: 103-124. [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Çınar , O & Aslan, I (2011). “Erzincan Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Yetkinliklerinin İncelenmesi”, iktisadi ve idari bilimler dergisi/journal of economics  and administrative sciences, cumhuriyet üniversitesi, Cilt:12 Sayı:2. [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Aslan, İ ve Çınar, O. (2010). “Bir Aile Şirketinin Kurumsallaşması: Yeniden Yapılandırma ve Varislerin Yönetime Hazırlanması Süreci - The Institutionalization of a Family Business: Restructuring and The Process of Preparation Successors for the Management”, Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi( Management and Organization Science Journal), 2-1:89-97 (ISSN: 1309 -8039).[Full Text] [PDF]
  • Aslan  I. (2023)  Dıgital Transformation: Opportunities and Threats,  International Conference Liga Ilmu Serantau (LIS) , Politeknik Mersing, Organized by Politeknik Jambi, University Ibnu Sina and Politeknik Mersing Malaysia,   Mersing, 8th August 2023, Johor, Malaysia. (In Person- Keynote Speaker) (In English)
  • Aslan  I. (2023)  The Role of Women in Modern Türkiye and on the Economic Development, The National University of Malaysia (UKM), Faculty of Islamic Studies, 1 August 2023, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. (In Person- Keynote Speaker) (In English)
  • Aslan  I. (2023)   Healthcare Workshop, Koç University, 9th Annual Koç University Healthcare Operations Workshop June 9-10th  , 2023. (In Person- Session Chair) (In English)
  • Aslan  I. (2023)  From Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Digital Governance and Sustainability , First International Conference on Economic and Social Sciences (ICESS 2023) ,  Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau-Indonesia on November 16 2023. (Online- Keynote Speaker) (In English)
  • Aslan, Imran (2023) Developing Coping Strategies during Crisis Times: Developing Human Capital, Knowledge Management Processes and Digital Transformation through Strategic Leadership, Universitas Ibnu  Sina, January 27,2023, Batam, Indonesia. (Online Talk- Keynote Speaker) (In English)
  • Aslan  I. (2023) The Challenges and Opportunities in Changing Financial Industry in the Era 5.0: Sustainability, Financial Technology in the Business World in Era Society 5.0, University of Ibnu Sina,  7 Juni 2023, Batam, Indonesia. (Online Talk- Keynote Speaker) (In English)
  • Aslan  I. (2023)  How to Prepare a Conference Abstract & Presentation, EIDER Africa, African Journal Clubs. (Online- Keynote Speaker) (In English)
  • Aslan  I. (2023)  Moderator in ICESSER 7th International Conference on Empirical Social Sciences, Economy, Management and Education Researches , November 10 - 12, 2023, Jakarta, Indonesia. (Online Conference- Room Moderator) (In English)
  • Aslan  I. (2023)  ICSHSR 4th International Conference on Health, Engineering and Applied Sciences, 218-229, Dubai. (Online Conference- Room Moderator) (In English)
  • Aslan  I. (2023)  Reinforcement Learning Workshop, World Resource Webinar (Online Workshop- Chair of Workshop) (In English)
  • Aslan  I. (2023)  Multi-Disciplinary Workshop, World Resource Webinar , March 2023. (Online Workshop- Chair of Workshop) (In English)
  • Aslan  I. (2023)  International Istanbul Modern Scientific Research Congress-V,9-11 July 2023, Istanbul, Türkiye. (Online Conference- Head of Session) (In English)
  • Aslan I., Benharkat N.E.H., &  Bentaalla-Kaced S. (2023) , The Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Occupational Health and Safety, ICESSER 7th International Conference on Empirical Social Sciences, Economy, Management and Education Researches, November 10 - 12, 2023 - Jakarta – Indonesia.  (Online/Full Text Oral Presentation ) (In English)
  • Aslan I. & Başarli  S.(2023) COVID-19 Döneminde Bingöl İlinde Çalışan Sağlık Çalışanlarının Durum Değerlendir (In Person- Keynote Speaker) (In English)mesi: İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği ve Sağlıkta Şiddet (Assessment of Health Workers Working in Bingol Province during COVID-19 Period: Occupational Health and Safety and Violence in Health) , ICESSER 7th International Conference on Empirical Social Sciences, Economy, Management and Education Researches, November 10 - 12, 2023 - Jakarta – Indonesia. (Online/Full Text Oral Presentation ) (In Turkish)
  • Imran I.& Aslan, H. (2023)  İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kapsamında Uygun Risk Değerlendirmesi Yönteminin Uygulanması (Implementation of Appropriate Risk Assessment Method within the Scope of Occupational Health and Safety), International Istanbul Modern Scientific Research Congress-V, 443-456, Istanbul, Türkiye. (Online/Full Text Oral Presentation ) (In Turkish)
  • Benharkat N.E.H. , Aslan I., Abdelmalek C. (2023) The Potential Effects and Implications of Industry 4.0 for Occupational Health and Safety Procedures in Food Industries, International Istanbul Modern Scientific Research Congress-V, 443-456, Istanbul, Türkiye. (Online/Full Text Oral Presentation ) (In English)
  • Polat H.&Aslan I. (2023) Bingöl Üniversitesi Öğrencileri Sosyal Medya Kullanımı ve Bağımlılığı Araştırması: COVİD-19 Salgını Dönemi Yüz Yüze Eğitime Tekrar Geçiş (The Research  on Bingöl University Students' Social Media Use and Addiction: Transition to Face-to-Face Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic), ICSHSR 4th International Conference on Health, Engineering and Applied Sciences, 218-229, Dubai. (Online/Full Text Oral Presentation ) (In Turkish)
  • Aslan  I. (2023) Yıkım İşlerinde ve Deprem Sonrasında Yıkılan Binalarda Asbest Tehlikesi ve 2022 Yılında Yürürlüğe Giren Binaların Yıkılması Hakkındaki Yönetmeliğin Uygulanması ve Ortaya Çıkan Sorunlar(Asbestos Danger in Demolition Works and in Buildings Demolished After the Earthquake and the Implementation of the Regulation on the Demolition of Buildings Coming into Force in 2022 and the Emerging Problems ), ICSHSR 4th International Conference on Health, Engineering and Applied Sciences, 231-245, Dubai. (Online/Full Text Oral Presentation ) (In English)
  • Afriana, Mohamed M.N.A.& Aslan I. (2023) The Role of the Polite Language Communication Skills on the Tourists` Satisfaction: Batam Island Numerical Study”, 5th International Conference of Languages, Education, and Tourism (ICLET 2023), 7-9 August 2023, Johor, Malaysia. Link (In person / Extended Abstract Oral Presentation) (In English)
  • Azad Salih Nader, imran Aslan(2022) Determining online shopping behaviors and problems of costumers in Erbil City, International Anatolian Congress on Multidisciplinary Scientific Research,, 137-146, Mardin, Turkey.
  • Azad Salih Nader, imran Aslan(2022) Agricultural and animal products marketing, problems and obstacles in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, International Anatolian Congress on Multidisciplinary Scientific Research,, 127-136, Mardin, Turkey.
  • Hakiye Aslan, Imran Aslan(2022) Importance and abuse of halal certificates and logos in food and beverages (Gıda ve İçeceklerdeki Helal Sertifikaların ve Logoların Önemi ve Suistimalleri), 8th International Mardin Artuklu Scientific Researches, 759-779, Mardin, Turkey.
  • Aslan, İ. &  Çelik, Y.( 2022) Evaluation of occupational health and safety and safety culture in the electricity distribution sector (Elektrik Dağıtım Sektöründe İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği ve Güvenlik Kültürünün Değerlendirilmesi) , 8th International Mardin Artuklu Scientific Researches, 831-845, Mardin, Turkey.
  • Aslan, Imran & Sümeyye Başarlı (2021)  The Examination of Healthcare Workers' Burnout Syndrome during the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Case of Bingöl City, International Conference on Contemporary Scientific Studies-V, Ankara, Turkey. (Online/Full Text Presentation ) (In English)
  • Aslan, Imran (2021)  Mental Evaluation of Bingöl University Students during the Second Wave of COVID-19, International Conference on Contemporary Scientific Studies-V, Ankara, Turkey. (Online/ Full Text Presentation ) (In English)
  • Dominika Ochnik, Aleksandra M. Rogowska, Astrid Schütz, Marco J. Held, Ana Arzenšek, Joy Benatov, Elena V. Korchagina, Ivana Blažková, Imran Aslan, Yonni Angel Cuero-Acosta(2021) Economic status and depression: Mediating role of self-rated health in students during the COVID-19 pandemic. 35th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society EHPS, August 23-27, 202. (Abstract Published / Oral Presentation) (In English)
  • Dominika Ochnik, Aleksandra M. Rogowska , Cezary Kuśnierz , Monika Jakubiak , Astrid Schütz , Marco J. Held, Ana Arzenšek , Joy Benatov , Rony Berger, Elena Korchagina , Iuliia Pavlova, Ivana Blažková , Zdeňka Konečná , Imran Aslan, Orhan Çınar , Yonni Angel Cuero(2021)  Acosta, Mental health among students in nine countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology on the 21st century: Open minds, Societies & World. The 32nd International Congress of Psychology ICP 2020+, July 18-23, Prague 2021. (Abstract Published / Oral Presentation) (In English)
  • Dominika Ochnik,  Aleksandra M. Rogowska, Cezary Kuśnierz, Monika Jakubiak, Imran Aslan et al.(2021)  Relationship between Anxiety and Perceived Stress in the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Moderating Role of University Type and Gender. American Psychological Association APS, APS 2021 Virtual Convention, May 26-27, 2021. (Abstract Published / Oral Presentation) (In English)
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2019).  The Role of Women Entrepreneurs on Economic Development: The Case of Bingöl and Diyarbakir, Jönköping International Business School , CEnSE - Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics, Seminar,  Jönköping University, Sweden.
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2018).  The role of Business Development Center in Bingöl Industrial Development,   University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Seminar, Poland.
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2018).  Factors Affecting Performance Management in Family Companies- Aile Şirketlerinde Performans Yönetimini Etkileyen Faktörler.  Ahtamara I. Uluslararasi Multidisipliner Çalişmalar Kongresi, Van-Gevaş , Turkey (Full Text Presentation )
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2018).  Is Current Occuputional Health and Safety System applied in Turkey enough ?-Türkiye’de Uygulanan Mevcut İş Sağliği ve Güvenliği Sistemi Yeterli mi?.  9. Uluslararasi Is Sagligi ve Guvenligi Kongresi, Istanbul, Turkey (Full Text Presentation )
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2018). Determination of Occupational Health and Safety Culture in Constructions - İnşaatlarda İş Sağliği ve Güvenliği Kültürünün Tespiti.  Ahtamara I. Uluslararasi Multidisipliner Çalişmalar Kongresi Van-Gevaş , Turkey (Full Text Presentation )
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2018).  Job Life Quality and Motivation Factors in Healthcare: Bingöl City Hospital Case.  Ahtamara I. Uluslararasi Multidisipliner Çalişmalar Kongresi Van-Gevaş , Turkey (Full Text Presentation )
  • ASLAN İMRAN,HJORTH SOREN(2018).The Role of Business Development Center in Bingöl Regional Development.III.International Dmitri Yavoronitski European Congress on Social Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey (Full Text Presentation )
  • ASLAN İMRAN,Ataoğlu KAYSADU EBRU (2018).  A Case Study on Youth Future Worry and Social Expectation: The Case of Bingöl Province- Gençliğin Gelecek Kaygisi ve Gençlerin Toplumsal Beklentisi Üzerine Bir Uygulama: Bingöl İli Örneği.  III. International Dmitri Yavoronitski European Congress on Social Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey (Full Text Presentation )
  • ASLAN İMRAN,ASLAN HAKİYE (2018).  Halal Food Sector: Comparison of Malaysia and Turkey - Helal Gida Sektörü: Malezya ve Türkiye Karşilaştirilmasi.  I. Uluslararasi Battalgazi Multi Disipliner Çalişmalar Kongresi, Malatya, Turkey (Full text presentation )
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2018).  Participation Banking in Turkey- Türkiye’de Katilim Bankaciliği.  I. Uluslararasi Battalgazi Multi Disipliner Çalişmalar Kongresi, Malatya, Turkey (Full text presentation)
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2018) 10th Asia Pacific Global Summit on Healthcare, Moderator, Singapore.
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2018).  Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Healthcare under Uncertainty for Decision Support.  10th Asia Pacific Global Summit On Healthcare, Singapore. (Summary Paper / Oral Presentation)
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2017) 9th Asia Pacific Global Summit on Healthcare, Moderator, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2017). Halal Food Awareness and Future Challenges,KUIS University, Seminar,  Shah Alam, Malaysia.
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2017).  Students’ Job Performance in International Platform and Emigration.  5th International Conference on New Trends in Business, Management and Social Sciences(COES RJ-TK16/1) , Istanbul, Turkey.   (Summary Announcement / Keynote-Invited Speaker)
  • Aslan I.& Bektaş Ç. (2016) "Analyzing Burnout Syndrome at Bingol University", BE-ci 2016 : 3rd International Conference on Business and Economics, 21 - 23 September, 2016, [Full Text][PDF]
  • Aslan I.&Guneş P.(2016) "Institutionalization in Practice: Development of a University", BE-ci 2016 : 3rd International Conference on Business and Economics, 21 - 23 September, 2016, [Full Text][PDF]
  • Aslan I.(2016) "Determining the life quality of CKD(Chronic Kidney Diseases) patients at Bingöl city", 1.INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC RESEARCH CONGRESS, Antalya, Turkey. [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Imran Aslan, Hamide Değer (2015) “Analyzing Chronic Kidney Treatment at the Center of Bingöl City to Determine the Life Quality of Patients” International Conference on Regional Development ,15- 16 October 2015.  [Full Text][PDF]
  • Hoshmand Anwar, İmran Aslan, Didar Hamd(2016) , “Analysis of oil prices in Iraq and the role of oil in national and regional development “,International Conference on Regional Development ,15- 16 October 2015.  [Full Text][PDF]
  • I Aslan and Orhan Çinar. "Measuring the Effectiveness and Innovative Capability of the University of Bingol and Atatürk University" „2. Wirtschaftswissen-schaftliches Forum: IT und Innovationsmanagement– deutsche und türkische Perspektiven für den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs und zur Erschließung von praxisrelevanten Erfolgspotentialen“,2015, München. [Full Text][PDF] 
  • I Aslan  "The Innovative Role of Social Media in  Healthcare: Bingöl Case" „2. Wirtschaftswissen-schaftliches Forum: IT und Innovationsmanagement– deutsche und türkische Perspektiven für den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs und zur Erschließung von praxisrelevanten Erfolgspotentialen“,2015, Münch.[Full Text][PDF]
  • Imran Aslan, Ustün Özen(2014) “Getting Strategic Advantage by Measuring Resistance Developed against E-Prescription in Turkey”, 10th International Strategic Management Conference- Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp.463-472.   [Full Text][PDF]
  • Orhan Çınar, Fatih Karcıoğlu, İmran Aslan( 2014) “The relationships among Organizational Cynicism, Job Insecurity and Turnover Intention: A Survey Study in Erzurum/Turkey”, 10th International Strategic Management Conference - Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp.425-432.  [Full Text][PDF] 
  • Imran Aslan, Orhan Çınar , Üstün Özen (2014) “Developing Strategies for the Future of Healthcare in Turkey by Benchmarking and SWOT Analysis”, 10th International Strategic Management Conference- Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 221-231. [Full Text][PDF]
  • Aslan İ.& Özen Ü. (2013) “Decision Analysis and Markov Chains for Management of Chronic Kidney Failures in Turkey”, ISS & MLB, September 24-26,p.610-626, Nagoya/Japan. [Full Text][PDF]
  • Aslan İ., Çınar O.,Özen Ü. &Yavuz S.(2013) “Analyzing Technology Usage of Students at The University of Erzincan”, ISS & ML, p.1-11, Nagoya/Japan. [Full Text][PDF]
  • Imran Aslan, Orhan Çınar(2012)” Ranking and Evaluatıng New Asian supplıers with European Suppliers Based on Performance Criteria”, The 7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2029-4441 print / ISSN 2029-929X online. [Full Text][PDF]
  • Aslan, I (2011). “A Linear Programming Approach for Different Serial Machines Scheduling with Optimizing Batch Size in A Flow Oriented Synchronized Production”, International Conference on Innovation, Management and Service ICIMS 2011, Singapore. [Full Text][PDF]
  •  Kumpikaite,v.,  Aslan, I & Chakherlouy, F. (2011). “Students as Future Performers: Intercultural Differences”, International Conference on Innovation, Management and Service ICIMS 2011, Singapore. [Full Text][PDF]
  • Kumpikaite, V., Yıldız, S. & Aslan,I (2011), “Comparable analysis of students’ skills development in Lithuania and Turkey”, 'Exploring Leadership & Learning Theories in Asia' (ELLTA) Conference 2011, Malaysia . [Full Text] [ PDF]
  • Aslan I.(2011) "MULTI-STAGE CONTRACTING OPTIONS", International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress’ 2011, DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3415.2002. [Full Text][PDF]
  • Aslan, İ. and Çınar, O. "Self-Assessment of Several Companies in Order to Establish a Holding", 6th International Strategic Management Conference, July 8-10, 2010, p.477-497, St. Petersburg, Russia. [Full Text][PDF]
  • Aslan İ. and Bozkurt R. (2010), “Strategic Sustainable Development and Creating Strategies from TOWS Matrix at Kipaş Group”, IISD Symposium, p.120-128, Sarejova, Bosnia.[Full Text][PDF]
  • Çınar, O.& Aslan, I.(2011).” Analyzing Student Competencies of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Erzincan University” , 10. Ulusal İşletmecilik Kongresi, p.392-396, İzmir/Türkiye.[Full Text] [PDF]
  • Aslan I. and Orhan C.(2010), The Effect of Economical Crisis in 2009 on Small and Middle Size Enterprises in Erzincan, Local Economies Conference, Sivas, Turkey. [Full Text] [PDF]
  • Aslan İ.(2010), “The Effects of E-Business and Liberalization on the New Turkish Economy”, International VIII. Knowledge, Economy and Management Congress (IKEMC10), Istanbul, Turkey.[Full Text] [PDF]
  • PLOS ONE (2021-SSCI Indexed Journal)
  • British Food Journal(2021-SSCI Indexed Journal)
  • Marketing and Management of Innovations" (2021- WoS-ESCI)
  • International Conference on Emerging Technology and Interdisciplinary Sciences (ICETIS 2021)
  • International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences(2021-Area Indexed Journal)
  • Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal (2021-Area Indexed Journal)
  • Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi-Journal (2021-Area Indexed Journal)
  • Marketing and Management of Innovations Journal  (ESCI-Web of Science Index- Editorial Board Member)
  • Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Elektronik Dergisi
  • BMIJ Dergisi(Ulakbim-TR Dizini)
  • Journal of Management & Organization(2018-SSCI Indexed Journal)
  • Journal of Business Economics and Management(2016,2017,2018,2019-SSCI Indexed Journal)
  • International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management (2017-Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index and Scopus.)
  • International Journal of Healthcare Management(2016,2017,2018-Scopus Indexed Journal)
  • International Journal of Tropical Disease & Health(2016, 2017,2018-Area Indexed Journal)
  • British Journal of Applied Science & Technology(2016,2017-Area Indexed Journal)
  • Educational Research and Reviews(2016,2017-Area Indexed Journal)
  • Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting(2017-Area Indexed Journal)
  • Journal of Global Economics, Management and Business Research(2016,2017,2018-Area Indexed Journal)
  • Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes - JPRO(2017,2018, 2019-Area Indexed Journal)
  • Archives of Current Research International (2016,2017,2018-Area Indexed Journal)
  • British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science(2016-Area Indexed Journal)
  • British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research(2016,2017,2018-Area Indexed Journal)
  • Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology (2016,2017,2018-Area Indexed Journal)
  • International Journal of Tropical disease & Health(2016,2017,2018-Area Indexed Journal)
  • British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade (2016,2017,2018-Area Indexed Journal)
  • Joint Research on Organizational Behavior in the Digital World, Funded by the European Scientific Collaboration Project,, 28.03.2023-19.12.2023, 2021. (International)
  • Mental health of undergraduates during the COVID-19 pandemic, doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/Q5F4E , ,  01.03.2020-01.03.2021, 2021. (International)
  • Preparation of business establishment plan for a new firm, İŞGEM, Bingöl, 2018(National)
  • The determination of life quality and average life span of chronic kidney patients treated at Bingöl center and the impact of applied health politics, private institutions, executive, 01.05.2015 – 01.05.2016 (National)
  • Üstün  Özen ve İmran Aslan(2013-2014) “Sağlık Yönetiminin Geliştirilmesi: Kaynakların Optimizasyonu, Başarı ve Performans Faktörlerinin Belirlenmesi”, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum.
  • Organizing supply chain management and supplier activities, private organization, executive, G-U Firm, Ditzingen/ Germany,  01/08/2006 - 30/01/2007. (International)
  • İmran Aslan vd.(2011), Erzincan Üniversitesi Öğrencilerinin Tüketim Eğilimleri,  Erzincan Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi, Proje No: 10.01.21- 2011.
  • Aslan, Imran (2024) Occupational Health and Safety Sectoral Management- İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Sektörel Yönetimi II, I.Edition, Nobel Academic Publishing ,  Editor,  , Turkish (Scientific Book)(Kitap)
  • Aslan, I., & Goundar, S. (2023). Emerging Technologies for Healthcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Internet of Things in Sustainable Development, 203-239.Link, (Scientific Book Chapter ) (In English)
  • Benharkat N.E.H.,  Aslan I.  (2023) Social-Technical Hazards and Their Correlations within the Framework of Digital Transformation, Organizational Behavior in the Digital World, 61-81. Link, (Scientific Book Chapter ) (In English)
  • Sawicka, B., Aslan, I., Della Corte, V., Periasamy, A., Krishnamurthy, S. K., Mohammed, A., ... & Umachandran, K. (2022). The coronavirus global pandemic and its impacts on society. In Coronavirus Drug Discovery (pp. 267-311). Elsevier.Link, (Scientific Book Chapter ) (In English)
  • Hakiye Aslan, Imran Aslan (2022) Doubtful and Controversial Topics on Halal Foods(Helal Gıdalar Konusundaki Şüpheli ve Tartışmalı Konular) , In book: Impact of Small Ecological Changes on Major Agricultural Problems (Küçük Ekolojik Değişimlerin Büyük Tarımsal Sorunlara Etkisi), Iksad PublishingHouse. (Scientific Book Chapter ) (In Turkish)
  • Aslan, Imran (2021) Occupational Health and Safety Sectoral Management- İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Sektörel Yönetimi, I.Edition, Nobel Academic Publishing ,  Editor,,, Turkish (Scientific Book)(Kitap)
  • Aslan, Imran (2021) Sağlık Sektöründe İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, Kitap(Book):  Occupational Health and Safety Sectoral Management- İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Sektörel Yönetimi, I.Edition, Nobel Academic Publishing, 151-180, (Kitap Bölümü)
  • M.Nurullah Acar, Aslan, Imran (2021) İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği ve Maden Sektörü, Kitap(Book): Occupational Health and Safety Sectoral Management- İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Sektörel Yönetimi, I.Edition, Nobel Academic Publishing, 1-34, Bölümü)
  • Aslan, Imran, Hakiye Aslan, Sümmeye Başarlı (2021) Belediyelerde İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, Kitap(Book):  Occupational Health and Safety Sectoral Management- İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Sektörel Yönetimi, I.Edition, Nobel Academic Publishing, 283-306, Bölümü)
  • ASLAN, I. (2020). Social Media Addiction and Controlling Social Media Use: An Extensive Study. SOCIAL, HUMAN AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES-II, 209.(Kitap Bölümü)
  •  Aslan, I. (2021). Technologies and Applications of Internet of Things (IoT) in Healthcare. In Applications of Big Data in Large-and Small-Scale Systems (pp. 307-330). IGI Global.(Kitap Bölümü)
  • Aslan, Imran & Aslan H.(2019) Industry 4.0 : The Role of Industry 4.0 in Agri-Food , Process Safety & Envıronmental Protection, Chapter I: Industry 4.0: Industry 4.0 Concept And Common Technologies & Systems, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-620-0-49906-6. (In English and translated into other six languages) (Scientific Book)(Kitap)
  • Imran Aslan, Naim Kenan Hacı Evliyagil , Yalçın Atay(2012) “Self Assessment and Reorganization of a Group to Establish a Holding”, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-10: 3659216933. , Marmara University.[Full Text] (Kitap)
  • Imran Aslan (2016) " Healthcare management: optimization of resources and determining success and performance factors", First Editon, Shamsi Publishers, Pages:371.[Full Text] (Kitap)
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2019) Aile Şirketlerinde Performans Yönetimi- Performance Management in Family Companies, Sürdürülebilir Aile İşletmeleri,   Publisher: Gazi Yayin Evi, 197-231, Turkish.(Kitap Bölümü)
  • ASLAN İMRAN (2018) Measuring the Role and Power of Social Media in Online Sales and Marketing: Case Studies in Turkey, Current Business Research- Güncel İşletme Araştirmalari, Iksad Publications, Editör:Dr. Erkan ALSU, Basım sayısı:1, ISBN:978-605-7510-71-6, English.(Kitap Bölümü)
  • ASLAN İMRAN,ÇINAR ORHAN( 2018) The Impact of Management Informatıon Systems’ Effectıveness on Innovatıon, Some Basic Applications and Current Approaches in Business Functions- İşletme Fonksiyonlarında Bazı Temel Uygulamalar ve Güncel Yaklaşımlar,   İksad Yayınları, Editör:Gamze Ebru Çiftçi, Basım sayısı:1, ISBN:978-605-7923-03-5, English.(Kitap Bölümü)
  • ASLAN İMRAN(2018)  The Innovative Role of Social Media in Healthcare, FOM publication projekt textbook  edited volume  with more than 20 articles, German-Turkish Perspectives on IT and Innovation Management: Challenges and Approaches, Springer, Basım sayısı:1, English.(Kitap Bölümü)
  • ASLAN İMRAN,ÇINAR ORHAN(2018) Measuring the Effectiveness and Innovative Capability of Bingöl University and Atatürk University,  FOM publication projekt textbook  edited volume  with more than 20 articles, German-Turkish Perspectives on IT and Innovation Management: Challenges and Approaches,  Springer, Basım sayısı:1, English.(Kitap Bölümü)


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