1. Hematological, Biochemical and Blood Gas Findings in a Calf with Cerebral Theileriosis.UZTİMÜR, M., & KEÇECİ, H. In International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 463-470).
2. Kaya kartalında şiddetli miks enfeksiyon ve peritonitis olgusu. Hakan Keçeci , Merve Öztürk ve Murat Uztimür. 5th international eurasian conference on biological and chemical sciences (eurasianbiochem 2022). Oral presentation, 23.11.2022, Ankara/ TÜRKİYE, 2022 (FUL TEXT)
3. The Effect of Vitamin Con Liver and Kidney Function In Beef Cattle Vaccinated Against Theileria Annulata. Meltem SAĞIROĞLU, Abdullah GAZİOĞLU, Ömer KIZIL, Murat UZTİMÜR 3.Uluslararası Gıda, Tarım & Veteriner Bilimleri Kongresi, 2021
4. Evaluation of Cardiac and Hemato-Biochemical Parameters in a Hypomagnesemic Calf. Murat UZTİMÜR, Cennet Nur ÜNAL. V. INTERNATIONAL WORLD HEALTH CONGRESS, 2023.
5. Nose Bleeds in a Calf Infected with Tropical Theileriosis. Cennet Nur ÜNAL, Murat UZTİMÜR, V. INTERNATIONAL WORLD HEALTH CONGRESS, 2023.
6. Investigation of The Relationship Between Serum Seleniıum Level and Circulating CD4+ and CD8+ T Lymphocytes In Calves With Neonatal Diarrhea. Murat UZTİMÜR, Ömer KIZIL. VI. INTERNATIONAL AFRİCA CONFERENCE ON CURRENT STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY SCIENCES, 2023
7. Use of Cardiac Biomarkers in the Determination of Myocardial Damage in Cows with Subclinical and Clinical Ketosis. Murat UZTİMÜR, Cennet Nur ÜNAL. 14th National and 3rd International Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress, 2023.
8. Investigation of cardiac damage and coagulation profile in obese Holstein cows. Cennet Nur ÜNAL, Murat UZTİMÜR. 14th National and 3rd International Veterinary Internal Medicine Congress, 2023.
9. Evaluation of calcium, serotonin and 25-(OH)D concentrations in the prediction of metabolic diseases in Holstein dairy cows. 8th National & 4th International Herd Health and Management Congress. Murat UZTİMÜR, Cennet Nur ÜNAL. 2024.